Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 14 - October 7 (Friday)

Waking up to 18 degrees and snow is just not right. Last week, we were having sunburns. This week is frostbite. We all got up and moving around and warmed up a little. We packed everything up and trailered everything down to the Iron County Fairgrounds in Parowan. After we dropped one load of horses off, we went back up to Beaver to get the remaining five horses. Clint drove the motorcycle for a while and then it started acting "funny" so Leon started driving it. A half mile from the Parowan exit, it ran out of gas, so Teresa drove the truck and horses behind them while Leon, Andy and Clint pushed the bike to the truck stop and gassed up. We got registered and got everything situated. Thanks to Christina and her crew for making the registration easy. There were a lot of pretty nice wagons that have showed up so far.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 13 - October 6 (Thursday)

They all woke up to snow this morning. Ruger & Sam were disappointed that it wasn't Christmas. The snow didn't slow them down. They went exploring Beaver. They found the pawn shop and of course, the Cheese Factory and a $300 ticket for riding in Boyd's trailer, even though it was a gooseneck. We cannot go past Beaver without stopping in for some curd or ice cream. They have had to stay in the camper most of the day.

Day 12 - October 5 (Wednesday)

In the morning, pictures were taken in front of the fort. Some of the pictures were posted on the 10/4 post because Mindy's camera was dated wrong. Hopefully, they will be correct from here forward. The weather turned bad so they trailered everything down to Beaver.

Day 11 - October 4 (Tuesday)

The group got up and got the mules hooked to the wagon. Clint was riding one of them and came up along side of the wagon and asked Sam if he wanted to ride with him. Sam, with all the love in his heart, said, "I don't like jackasses". Leon wasn't sure who he was talking about but laughed his butt off. I think I'm going to have to re-instruct my boys in social graces when they get home. Who knows what their dad is teaching them? You know Leon...... They had lunch in Dog Valley. Terra & Chance were running on Smokey and came off the horse. They're ok. After lunch, they continued on a dirt trail down into Cove Fort. Beautiful country. They didn't have any rain, just wind. Leon spent the rest of the evening taking the mules back up to Meadow and bringing the horses back. It gave them an extra two days to rest. Leon's parents got to visit with the missionaries at the fort. It is where they served their mission last year.