Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 8 - October 1 (Saturday)

It was a relaxing day. Mark Mangum (Susan's husband) brought their daughter, Melissa, and niece, Sarah, for the weekend. Then, Terra & Chance Gaylord and their four children arrived to finish the rest of the trip with us. The morning was spent tending to the horses. One of Andy's horses dislikes being tied to anything and will drag his feet. See the picture of the bent horshoe. There was a petting zoo at the Flying J gas station out by the interstate. There were three donkeys that just "stood" there and did nothing. Anyone who has been around Leon has heard his "donkey braying" phone ringer. Once he turned that on, those donkeys commenced to braying and howling. It was the funniest thing. They have a miniature zebra also. Cody wouldn't take a nap, so Leon hauled him around on the motorcycle for a little while which put him right to sleep. Always worked for our kids. Teresa & Kc came up in the afternoon. The men went to the local chapel for the priesthood session. While they were gone, Terra's little girl who is about a year old was pushing on the screen door of their trailer and fell out. She knocked one of her bottom teeth out, root and all. Terra grabbed it and put it back in place. The baby screamed more from being held still than the tooth being put back in.

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